
Who comes up with the content of the essay?

 Hello, AdSense funs!!  No time, no see. Maybe 3 or 4 years have passed since the last post which was my spontaneously compose. As you know, by dint of that nowadays is inflated Artificial Intelligence, there is nothing too hard to make a composition without thinking and considering, easily to make a text of specified one.   Today I finished making my first publishing book, because I think to make a post about my experience of making a book and impressions. My first impression is as follows that making a book is equal to operating a computer. The book of structure and story are mine, but just to make direction as a command, put it into Artificial intelligence, almost all of composing was automatically created texts.  This composing is helped and assisted by Artificial Intelligence. Even if I forgot spelling and words, these things are no concern, almost all of all is automatically done and finished. Artificial intelligence is much stronger than human beings. The...

Basic guide to iDeCo

Basic guide to iDeCo (individual-type defined contribution pension) What is iDeCo? iDeCo (individual-type defined contribution pension) is a system that supports asset formation in retirement. You can save up your own contributions while managing them and receive them as a future pension. Main benefits Full tax benefits Contributions are fully tax deductible Investment gains are tax-free Tax benefits are also available when receiving the money Flexible management You can choose from a wide variety of products, including investment trusts, deposits, and insurance products You can combine products according to your own risk tolerance Who can join Company employees and civil servants (up to 23,000 yen per month if they do not have a corporate pension) Company employees with a corporate pension (up to 12,000 yen per month) Full-time housewives and househusbands (up to 23,000 yen per month) Self-employed people (up to 68,000 yen per month) Points to note Withdrawals are not permitted until ...

ATTN!! Creative AI is too much danger.

こんにちは!   ’My AdSense Diary’において生成Aにて生成した文書を幾本か投稿しました。一般に、お決まり事として「生成AIによって生成した成果物」には「この文書は生成AIによって生成された文書です。」と記すといったルールがあります。なぜか考えてみました。  そして生成AIのプラットフォームには「生成AIの回答は必ずしも正しいとは限りません。重要な情報は確認するようにしてください。」とプラットフォームには記されています。  生成した文章をそのまま使った場合でも、著作権フリーの根拠はそのままでは一般のビジネス文書としては危険なもの、すなわち、生成されたものを一件一件検証しながら修正したものを持ってでデプロイさせなければならない。  このことを再確認したことは、某企業提供のCMSを紹介するための紹介文の下書きを生成したときに決定的なものとして認識いたしました。企業名の前株と後株の表記において逆に表示されたのを発見した時でした。  正しくは「株式会社〇〇」となるべきところが「〇〇株式会社」と、表記されていたのを見たときでした。AIによって生成された文章は、擬制的に作られたものであり必ずしも正しいとはいいがたいものであります。  注意すべき点は、実業において文言を生成する際には検定等の文言(シソーラスに準拠したもの)にまた客体が個人また法人であるものを表現する際には登録されたものを用い法令に準拠したものを用いてください。  一つの例として特定の法令を読み込ませいくつかの問いを解かせた場合、必ず法律の専門家に一瞥いただいてくださいと文言が記されます。  複合的にまた総合的に法に準拠したものを生成するにはまだ技術的に難しく開発の途上にあるそうです。  ここから先はGoogl翻訳により英語に変換したものです。  I posted some documents generated by Generator A in My AdSense Diary. Generally, there is a rule that when writing "a product generated by Generator AI," you should write "This document was generated by Generator AI...

As a former insurance agent, I will explain some common misconceptions surrounding NISA.

 Insurance agents act as insurance intermediaries, collecting insurance premiums and providing policyholders with information about insurance. However, insurance agents are not the people who pay the insurance claims. Insurance companies pay the claims. When choosing an insurance product, policyholders may not fully understand the contents of the product.  As such, insurance agents have a responsibility to explain the product, but sometimes there are misunderstandings. When canceling an insurance contract, policyholders may not properly understand how fees and refunds are calculated. Insurance agents will explain the procedure and calculation methods, but sometimes the information is not well understood. Therefore, it is important for insurance agents to explain things clearly so that policyholders can understand.  NISA is commonly called "Needs Analysis" and is a method used in the insurance and financial industries.  The features of NISA are as follows:  ...

What is the difference between a VISA/MASTER credit card and a VISA/MASTER debit card?

 The key differences between VISA/MasterCard credit cards and debit cards lie in how the transactions are processed, where the money comes from, and the potential financial responsibilities of the cardholder: 1. **Source of Funds**:    - **Credit Card**: When you use a VISA or MasterCard credit card, you are borrowing money from a credit line offered by the card issuer. You will need to pay this back, usually with interest if the balance is not paid off within a grace period.    - **Debit Card**: When you use a VISA or MasterCard debit card, the money is taken directly from your bank account. No borrowing is involved. 2. **Payments**:    - **Credit Card**: You can pay for purchases immediately or over time. There is a billing cycle (usually monthly), and you receive a statement showing the total amount owed. If you don't pay the full amount by the due date, interest is typically charged on the remaining balance.    - **Debit Card**: Payments ...

A General Theory on the Business Application of AI-Generated Deliverables

A General Theory on the Business Application of AI-Generated Deliverables Introduction  Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly evolved, transforming various industries and business processes. AI-generated deliverables, such as content, code, and designs, are becoming increasingly prevalent. However, the full potential and challenges of integrating these deliverables into business operations are still being explored. This paper aims to develop a general theory on the business application of AI-generated deliverables, considering their impact on productivity, creativity, quality, and legal implications. Development  The theory posits that AI-generated deliverables can significantly enhance business operations by: Increasing Productivity: AI can automate routine tasks, freeing up human resources to focus on more strategic and creative endeavors. For example, AI-powered writing assistants can draft emails and reports, while AI-driven design tools can generate basic layouts an...

Recent personal computer circumstances.

 With the spread of artificial intelligence, changes are likely to occur in PC application software.  Announced that it has migrated from Microsoft 365 to an open source office suite with the aim of promoting the development of artificial intelligence-based application software in public and private sectors in Western European countries. It looks like you have switched from Windows to Linux. The goal seems to be to reduce the flow of money into high-spec, expensive PCs by migrating from the bloated PC OS to compact and fast-running Linux.  It was reported that the company aims to further strengthen its competitiveness by commercializing a wide range of innovative technologies, including those in the AI field, and combining them with the key technologies possessed by mid-sized and small-to-medium-sized enterprises.  I immediately followed suit and migrated from Microsoft 365 to an open source office suite.  been using Office products for over 30 years, so I'm usi...