Basic guide to iDeCo

Basic guide to iDeCo (individual-type defined contribution pension)

What is iDeCo?

iDeCo (individual-type defined contribution pension) is a system that supports asset formation in retirement. You can save up your own contributions while managing them and receive them as a future pension.

Main benefits

Full tax benefits

Contributions are fully tax deductible

Investment gains are tax-free

Tax benefits are also available when receiving the money

Flexible management

You can choose from a wide variety of products, including investment trusts, deposits, and insurance products

You can combine products according to your own risk tolerance

Who can join

Company employees and civil servants (up to 23,000 yen per month if they do not have a corporate pension)

Company employees with a corporate pension (up to 12,000 yen per month)

Full-time housewives and househusbands (up to 23,000 yen per month)

Self-employed people (up to 68,000 yen per month)

Points to note

Withdrawals are not permitted until age 60 as a general rule

Fees apply (account management fees, investment product fees, etc.)

Manage at your own risk

If you want to receive it as a pension, you need to receive it for 10 years or more

How to get started

Check the conditions for joining

Select a financial institution

Set the premium amount

Select an investment product

Application procedure

Investment points

Manage your investment from a long-term perspective

Be aware of diversification

Regularly check your investment status

Review your asset allocation if necessary

In conclusion

iDeCo is an effective tool for building assets for retirement, but it is important to consider it in accordance with your own financial situation and future plans. If you have any questions, we recommend that you consult a financial institution or an expert.

This text was created by a generative AI.


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