Who comes up with the content of the essay?

 Hello, AdSense funs!!

 No time, no see. Maybe 3 or 4 years have passed since the last post which was my spontaneously compose. As you know, by dint of that nowadays is inflated Artificial Intelligence, there is nothing too hard to make a composition without thinking and considering, easily to make a text of specified one. 

 Today I finished making my first publishing book, because I think to make a post about my experience of making a book and impressions. My first impression is as follows that making a book is equal to operating a computer. The book of structure and story are mine, but just to make direction as a command, put it into Artificial intelligence, almost all of composing was automatically created texts.

 This composing is helped and assisted by Artificial Intelligence. Even if I forgot spelling and words, these things are no concern, almost all of all is automatically done and finished. Artificial intelligence is much stronger than human beings. The world is soon yielding to it. This experience has an old day, I had it, it is an auto translator machine, this is the beginning of collapse of the world, humans will soon become foolish.

 If the collapse stops, it is too easy, we just study earnestly and train our brain. The way to beat artificial intelligence is a simple thing that everyone hates training your intelligence. but it is important for us to do so. 

 Specific Artificial Intelligence is now strong, but Artificial General intelligence is now Lab level. 

 Today I are too many thanks.

 Irony this composing of text is the same as computer compose one. If you want to stop it, to stop using computer word processor, jot down to the paper what of you think about. So, you do it. There is nothing to appear to this kind of effect.

 As a last what I want to say, even if Artificial Intelligence is stronger than now, we do no need to worry enough, we just do a check that deploy those article.


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