AdSense Subscription System is now beginning to act on.

 Good morning, Tokyo zoon time is early in the morning.

 With listing to the piano sound from the radio, I am now typing now. At last, my AdSense is begun to act on. My 3 WordPress is now is construction on inside satellite thins, the surface is perfection like so. Do you know WordPress is a one of CMS “Contents Management System”? And this CMS has been used of 30% over in the worldwide of home pages. The WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database. The structure of this system is to create a homepage by combining Theme and Plugin to create a blog or an advertisement page.

 I'm currently rebuilding Google's subscription system. If this is not done slowly and carefully, it may cause the system to malfunction, so be careful and take the time to set it slowly. At the first setting Analytics, second is Tag Manager and that after Optimizer, I am currently rebuilding Google's subscription system. If you don't do this slowly and politely, you'll see the wrong settings. Be sure to install an anti-flicker snippet when setting up the optimizer. For details, please refer to the description of Google. Because I need take while about two weeks or so, I said.

 An auto advertisement is now act on my 3 sites. Yesterday, when I casually accessed to view my blog, I was able to confirm the display of the auto advertisement, so it seems that it is working for the time being. I feel study of WordPress as a CMS more deeply. Today, I rest construct of Google subscription. 

 To see you next.

 Thanks’ you.


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