I get a good job, last night action.

  Attempting debagging bag of this site at Last night, on MOVA, it is seeming like a bad visible has. Auto advertising banner has wrong on visible, for a while minutes before, I had checked condition of my site by my smart phone. Auto advertisement is correct running. At last I have done. And in an addition, I had changed an image of my site. 

 You can see a beach of some South Island and blue sky. It was an easy you and me to do so. Just a change the theme and an image of background can your site image like so. Couse of reason, my mind become to relax. AdSense auto advertisement is now going better running before. 

 Site health checker shows me a well done form the operating window. All bag was erased from my site, my responsible home page is now going on better than before. But background color and character color are mismatched. Bule and black is too bad combination for some minority. I will change a tuning a color matching, if possible, as soon. 

 Anyway, my site gets an orbit on. From now I try to Google subscription systems. New analytics, TAG manager and optimizer is may be easy than before one to usable way. But it seems that I need to be careful because I must unify to a unique label. Why I say about a Unique Label, this was a beginning of my WordPress explore started, when I had try to AWS, a request “pem” file is always import to request form, answer is modified, I do not know how many times had been experienced. Because I expect same things will be occurred again.

 Go ahead, see you next again.

 Thanks’ you.


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