I had changed an AdSense account code.

  This was a last night. One of my sites “WEB de General Store” was down. At the first, I did not understand why become like this. I asked to contracted rental server company, the answer was a follow, DNS setting was mistaken. On the last post, I described that the detailed settings of these sites will be unified. I had compared between a normal activated site and a site where the incident is occurring. As they pointed out, there was a problem in the details. By the advice, it site where the incident occurred was able to be restored. By the way, I changed my AdSense account.

 In this morning, my mailbox received a notification email for receiving the USB Blue tooth transmitter that won the auction, immediately I appreciated the listing as incredibly good and thanked and apologized. Blue tooth V5.0 is. Why I purchased it, my recycle 64 bits machine has not Wireless device, but this way is convenient than perches a new one. The spec of my PC is SSD, 16 GB memory and CORE I3 CPU. All setting was I had done. This is the best way of get high spec machine by convenient. Just 23,000.-JPY to get now machine. 

 Anyway, an incident was disappeared last night, today, I will relax in my room. Google AdSense investigation will be finished, my site needs to a few days, one or two weeks. Until then stopping my AdSense Account is recovered .

 Thanks’ you.

 See you next.


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