Must do things before action.

  Hello, Nice to meet you.

 What was to do today was Google Analytics re-setting.

 My 3 WordPress Sites need to ripper Google systems as follows.

 Analytics, tag manager, optimize, Google Ads and so on.

 For examples is Google Ads, if I say setting is incorrect, it may be somethings are mistake setting done. Why I can say it, I had searched the way of Google Ads Best Practice pages. In this page has shone right way of setting. This page name is “Google Ads: Conversion tag; Mechanism and setting method”.

 I have been issued several Google systems diplomas, but I still do not understand the overall best practices, so the results are as they are today.

 I need to study all of them more detail and more depth. For example, setting of control panel, arrangement of snippets and code. Between EN and JP of explanation makes me confusing and make me to mistake setting. It comes to IT Technical Terms schema is little bit different between of them.

 It is like an English and Japanese dictionary.

 Best way is that you and I receive those terms as images. Perhaps there is no way is others. I am now standing in front of the huge wall at.

 At the first, I must steady read concerning books, and understand of them indicate point.

 See you next.

 Thanks’ you.


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