February will be end soon.


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Crisis on Last year has affected my circumstances, still now.

That was occurred in September and October. 

My currency direction had changed towered to bad.

The binary option was until then better.

But this binary option is forbidden on USA and CANADA. North America continental persons who live need to attention.

I could have good score, at then last September.

Suddenly I could not make a good score.

Still now, why has occurred these things, circumstance was not changed at that time.

TPO is not to this incident, EQ is not so bad too. If it is. I had changed 32bit machine to 64 bit one too. I felt feeling is better as same as ordinary.

Still was not that I could not understand of why incident had continued. Perhaps rats or something was done unwillingly do things which was no good one.

By dint of this continuously incident, my economical condition changed to be a like a Friday of Thirteenth. Contracted provider, credit card and another, whole my need my things had crashed.

For example, my printer or computer concerning things, USB Stick Memory, ripperinged old computer, word processor and so on. Addition, VCR tape recorder and player or LD player, these was used, but just an after purchased them, these machines would good work has done. While out of my house, this incident has occurred, may be.

If my operation was mistake on my concerning circumstances, I exactly had bankruptcy, half of credit card was become invalid, but just insurances was keep defensed. Still it is strange, I felt.

If I reduce abstract to binary option, even if high risk and high return, I had learning the principal of financial trade security cooperation at GB. my testing score was almost 100% keep.

And regale thigh was checked to some lawyer this financial item is regale or not in japan, and to call to the FSA. FSA staff was said freedom of contract, if you want to do, your free, she said.

Fortunately, more 7days, my new internet circumstance will be comeback.

Anyway, incident was finish, and just do re-construct again.

To see you next.

Thanks’ you, so much.

In addition.

Please care for COVID-19.


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