I have been back at last, restart to new act.

Hello. AdSense fans.

No time, no see. 

Huge amount of days and times have passed from last post.

I had been suffering terrible things of my circumstances at 19th OCT 2022.

But I could be back Google blogger. 

Now I prepared for Re-Start, 
I will concentrate to two CMS Blogger and Japanese CMS Saipon.

My URL by Saipon is as follows "https://saipon.jp/h/akkiy6577-blog/" 

My interest is inclined not to how to make a home page,
but to write a post.

Just my interest has been changed.

Next Post will be some day of Dec 2023.
Thank you.

This is my photo graph.


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ATTN!! Creative AI is too much danger.

Ten days has been passed last post.

I have finished two times injection of anti-vaccination against COVID-19