I had a new experience.

 Hello AdSense fans

 I experienced image generation and video generation using artificial intelligence.

 What I experienced was a demonstration, so I think the accuracy may be lower,

I was able to get some results.

 Normally, evidence should be presented, but in order to avoid problems related to copyright and ownership,

 I will not display the results.

 I tried to exaggerate the immoral prompt, but

 As if we could infer that it is latently built into artificial intelligence.

 If you enter an unethical prompt, the display will appear to express things that a person with general ethics would not post.

 It seems better to use prompts that are constructed with a certain degree of ethics in mind when entering prompts.

 Budget-wise, it's about $10 to $20 a month.

 I'm still just starting out in this field, so I'll need a few months before investing money.

 I think it is safe to assume that there will be no problem if you have passed the AdSense Policy.

 This English text is displayed with the help of Google Translate.


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